The nice thing about abs: It’s hard to overdo them, so feel free to try 2 or 3 moves one day and 2 or 3 different moves the next time you work out. In 4 minutes, you’ll do each exercise twice. Repeat this 8 times for a total time of 4 minutes. In a Tabata routine, you’ll do 20 seconds of work at your highest intensity followed by 10 seconds of rest. Create a Tabata workout of 4 exercises.If you’re looking for a more difficult workout, increase the length of time you do each exercise. If you’re sporting superior abs, do 4 or 5 circuits.

Depending on your fitness level, you can do 2 or 3 circuits. Take a 2-minute break before starting the circuit again. Do each exercise for 45 seconds, going directly into the next exercise without a break until you get to the end of the circuit.

Repeat on opposite side.How to build a standing ab exercise routine Keep low abs pulled in tight and lift left knee up as right shoulder rotates towards knee (try to touch).Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, hands behind head, and left heel lifted.Repeat twisting 3 times in each direction for 10 total repetitions. Return to center, inhale, then twist the “ball” to the right far, farther, farthest, returning to center to inhale.The rotation should come right at your ribcage. Take a deep breath in and as you exhale, twist your imaginary ball to the left 3 times moving far, farther, farthest. Hold your arms in a circle directly out in front of your chest, as if you are holding an imaginary beach ball.Stand with feet hip-width apart, slight bend at the knee, pelvis slightly tucked under and abs pulled in toward spine.Catch the ball after one bounce and raise it back overhead.Slam the ball to the ground in front of you as hard as you can, engaging your abs, glutes and upper back.Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, and hold the medicine ball with two hands directly overhead.Repeat for 8-10 repetitions and switch sides. As you stand back up, reach the ball back up over right shoulder.Bend knees and lower body into squat position as you pull the ball down toward left ankle.Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding ball in two hands up over right shoulder.Step left foot behind you, bending both knees into a lunge, while twisting the ball to your right side.Step back to center, drawing ball back to center.Step right foot behind you, bending both knees into a lunge, while twisting the ball to your left side.Stand with feet hip-width apart holding ball directly in front of your chest.Continue switching for desired number of repetitions.Return to center and repeat on the left side.Bend to the right, reaching right hand toward floor behind your leg.Stand with feet a little wider than hip distance apart, knees bent and hands held behind the back of your head.