The word manifesto is generally acceptable with respect to either some critical political or social agenda, or alternatively a philosophical or art movement.

To claim that denim is an appropriate subject for a manifesto may at first appear frivolous, almost a parody. Keywords: Denim, jeans, clothing, global, anxiety, anthropology Ultimately this can provide the basis for an anthropological engagement with global modernity. As a manifesto, this paper argues for a global academic response that engages with denim from the global commodity chain through to the specificity of local accounts of denim wearing. These suggest the need to understand the relationship between three observations: its global presence, the phenomenon of distressing and its relationship to anxiety in the selection of clothes. Ethnographies of blue jeans in Brazil and England are provided as examples. While there are historical narratives about the origins, history and spread of denim, these leave open the issue of how we make compatible the ethnographic study of specific regional appropriations of denim and its global presence in a manner that is distinctly anthropological. Using the phrase 'blindingly obvious' it considers the problems posed by objects that have become ubiquitous. This paper considers the challenge to anthropology represented by a topic such as global denim.